The Progress of Permanent Makeup

March 8, 2014



Naturally, we get a lot of people in here with questions and concerns about the healing process. Let me tell you first off, it’s much easier and painless than you may think!

Before getting your permanent makeup done, we suggest that you refrain from taking any blood thinning products (aspirin, vitamins A and E) for 1 week prior to your appointment. Also, try not to have any caffeine the day of your treatment and don’t work out or go to the gym either. We don’t want you doing anything that will increase blood flow. We want you as relaxed as you can be to make the process as comfortable as possible! Before starting your micropigmentation, we will numb you. We use the best of the best in numbing treatments so that you feel as little as possible. Some people don’t feel a thing when getting their permanent makeup done, others say it feels no worse than when you pluck your eyebrows.

For more info on preparing for your treatment, see our previous blog post!:

Immediately after you get your permanent makeup, you will be sore, but nothing serious. Now would be the time to take some kind of painkiller if you so choose. Ibuprofen works great for inflammation. Don’t worry about having to hop up and leave right away either. We allow you time to relax before getting up and being on your way. We will help you schedule your touch-up appointment and we always give you Aquaphor to help you heal.

*DO NOT apply makeup to any tattooed areas! DO NOT pick, let scabs fall off naturally. Avoid facials, swimming and/or whirlpools for at least 5 days!*

EYELINER: Expect light to moderate swelling and redness for up to three days after your procedure. You can use crushed ice in a plastic bag for the first hour after the procedure to stop any stinging you may feel. Remember to sleep with your head slightly elevated, nothing crazy, but maybe try folding your pillow or using two pillows. You MUST use new mascara to avoid contamination. Two or three applications may be required to achieve desired results.

EYEBROWS: You might have slight swelling, some people do, some people don’t. Expect some redness for 1-2 days following the procedure. Apply Aquaphor, wait 5-10 minutes, and then gently, but firmly, wipe it away with a tissue. This keeps the scabs from forming thick. Do this twice a day for the first 5 days. Keep out of the sun for 7 days. After 7 days, make sure you keep sunblock on to aid in the longevity of your microart.

LIPLINER/LIPCOLOR: Expect moderate swelling. This usually last 1-2 days following the procedure. Make sure you keep your lips consistently moist for 21 days. Just like with your eyebrows, make sure you keep out of the sun for the first 7 days and wear sunblock on your lips after 7 days to aid in the longevity of your microart. Right after the procedure, your lips will appear to be brighter and darker than when they are fully healed. Your permanent makeup results will always be natural and soft! 3-4 days after your procedure, the color will become lighter. It will appear that you have lost all your color, but don’t worry! Once your lips have healed completely, the dermal layer will become darker. Be patient, and remember, two or three applications may be required to achieve desired results. Do not let your lips get dried out and cracked at all! And try not to do any vigorous exercise for 24 hours after your procedure.

Remember! Permanent makeup is affected by the skin that they are performed on. Lifestyle, medications, smoking, metabolism, facial surgery, and age of skin all contribute to how your permanent makeup will heal. Touch-ups are needed 3 to 4 weeks after your initial procedure to ensure the best result and keep you looking your best. After that, your microart will be completely healed and you will be left with the natural, beautiful results that you always wanted!

Keeping up with your yearly appointments is vital to the life of your micropigmentation!


“Rest when you’re weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work.” -Ralph Marston



Filed in: Permanent Makeup

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